četvrtak, 5. veljače 2015.
subota, 13. prosinca 2014.
subota, 6. prosinca 2014.
Sleek Arabian Nights Palette
Hello beautiful!
I was a very lousy blogger last month, too much stuff was happening so the blog was left aside for a while. I've had a flu, being trapped in bed for almost a week, without desire to live. I have to tell you that I've finally started exercising regularly, I'm pole dancing (I'm blown away by it, soooo fantastic, is someone dancing too? :D), set my little, improvised gym in in my apartment, this time I'm not quitting! I took before photos, so maybe there will be a post about it when I finish what I have in mind for the next few weeks and months.
Enough chit chat, let's talk makeup now.
Pozdrav ljepotice!
Bila sam zbilja loša blogerica prošli mjesec, previše mi se stvari događalo pa je blog patio. Napala me gripa, tako da sam 5 dana bila pokošena i bez želje za životom. Moram se i pohvaliti da sam se napokon natjerala da počnem redovito vježbati, krenula sam na Pole dance (srce najveće na svijetu, trenira li tko? :D), napravila malu, improviziranu teretanu doma i obećala sam si da ovaj put ne posustajem. Imam i before slike, možda napišem post i o tome kada završim ono što sam si isplanirala za naredne tjedne i mjesece. Bacimo se sada na recenziju.
ponedjeljak, 10. studenoga 2014.
NYX Lipliner & Eye Pencils
A few days ago I went to Iris in Osijek, although I don't have that habit (it's too pricey for my student allowance :P) and I was surprised when I saw NYX's pencils. My excitement was even bigger when I realized they were on sale, reduced from 8$ to only 3$. I bought an eye pencil and lipliner pencil to try them out, and I can assure you I will go back for more of them!
Pozdrav ljepotice!
Nekidan sam se slučajno zaletila u Iris parfumeriju u Osijeku, iako inače baš i ne idem tamo (too pricey za moj studentski džep :P) i iznenadila sam se kad sam vidjela da imaju NYX olovke. Moje oduševljenje je bilo još veće kad sam vidjela da su na akciji i to snižene s 45,90 kn na predivnih 18,40 kn. Uzela sam jednu za oči i jednu za usne kako bi ih isprobala, a sada sam sigurna da se vraćam po još neku nijansu!
ponedjeljak, 20. listopada 2014.
New in. #1
Hello beautiful!
I've been emptying out my wallet like a maniac in the last month or so, and there is a nice bunch of products now so I decided it's time for a first new in post.
Pozdrav ljepotice!
U zadnje vrijeme sam pustošila novčanik kao luda i nakupila se lijepa hrpica novih proizvoda pa sam odlučila da je vrijeme za prvi new in post.
Beauty UK,
Kiss my face,
La Roche-Posay,
Le Petit Marseillais,
new in,
utorak, 14. listopada 2014.
FOTD - Love is a camera full of memories.
Hello beautiful!!
I really enjoyed the nice weather today and, because the weathermen are announcing worse weather, I decided to make and shoot a nice neutral look, so that you can finally see who is writing this blog. :D I am not especially happy with the pictures, I experimented with light and shades, still don't have equipment for shooting quality photos (hope that will change in the future) so don't be hard on me! Also, I would like to ask older and experienced colleagues to advise me how to make my photos better in the future. :)
Pozdrav ljepotice!!
Uživala sam danas u lijepom vremenu, a pošto najavljuju pogoršanje :( odlučila sam vam napraviti i poslikati jedan lijepi neutralni look pa da napokon vidite tko to piše ovaj blog. :D Sa slikama nisam baš najsretnija, malo sam eksperimentirala sa svjetlom i sjenama, još uvijek nemam potrebnu opremu za kvalitetne slike (nadam se da će se to u budućnosti promjeniti) pa nemojte biti prestrogi. Molim starije i iskusnije kolegice da me posavjetuju u komentarima kako bih poboljšala slike u budućnosti. :)
petak, 10. listopada 2014.
Avon Hidrokolor lipsticks
Hello beautiful!
I was going through my make-up collection today, thinking what should I review. I looked at my favourite Avon lipsticks - Hidrokolor lipsticks - and the search was over! Two of them I bought when they came out, and the third one and the testers I bought maybe 2 months ago. Because of that, it is visible on pictures that they were used (the two older ones were properly used :P ) and I apologize if that bothers anyone, but I consider that describing texture and showing swatches is much more important than untouched products. :)
Pozdrav ljepotice!
Danas sam prekapala po svojoj make-up kolekciji, razmišljajući o tome što bih mogla recenzirati. Pogled mi je pao na moje omiljene Avon ruževe - Hidrokolor ruževe - i potraga je bila završena! Dva od njih sam nabavila čim je ova linija izašla, a treći i testere još nekih nijansi sam kupila prije možda 2 mjeseca. Zbog toga se na slikama vidi da su korišteni (ova 2 starija su dobrano korištena :P ) i ispričavam se ako to nekome smeta, ali mislim da je najvažnije da vam opišem teksturu i pokažem swatcheve od toga da izgledaju netaknuti na slikama. :)
I was going through my make-up collection today, thinking what should I review. I looked at my favourite Avon lipsticks - Hidrokolor lipsticks - and the search was over! Two of them I bought when they came out, and the third one and the testers I bought maybe 2 months ago. Because of that, it is visible on pictures that they were used (the two older ones were properly used :P ) and I apologize if that bothers anyone, but I consider that describing texture and showing swatches is much more important than untouched products. :)
Pozdrav ljepotice!
Danas sam prekapala po svojoj make-up kolekciji, razmišljajući o tome što bih mogla recenzirati. Pogled mi je pao na moje omiljene Avon ruževe - Hidrokolor ruževe - i potraga je bila završena! Dva od njih sam nabavila čim je ova linija izašla, a treći i testere još nekih nijansi sam kupila prije možda 2 mjeseca. Zbog toga se na slikama vidi da su korišteni (ova 2 starija su dobrano korištena :P ) i ispričavam se ako to nekome smeta, ali mislim da je najvažnije da vam opišem teksturu i pokažem swatcheve od toga da izgledaju netaknuti na slikama. :)
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